About me:
For more than 10 years now, I study the human psyche, human emotions and development, through my degree in psychology, through becoming a psychotherapist, through meditation and through facing my own personal challenges.
The main focus of my psychotherapy training has been exploring and revealing subconscious structures and relationship dynamics in order to understand oneself better and act more on what one actually needs. Additionally to that I integrated different techniques of self-devolpment and selfcare. I was always especially excited about eastern teachings of meditation and mindfulness, which I now work with frequently.
Five years ago, after I finished my Masters, I started to help people in different environments to understand themselves and improve their mental health. First I worked in a psychiatric hospital, then as a substance councelor for queer people. I also started working as a psychotherapist in training in a typical one-on-one setting and I now work as a councelor and coach. In that time I learned that everyone is different and needs an individual approach. Depending on what is needed I combine my experience of psychodynamic therapy with the solution-focused approach of positive psychology or with breathwork, meditation and awareness techniques.
Learn more about how I work:
Institut für Psychologische Psychotherapie und Beratung Berlin e.V.
since 2020: Psychodynamic Psychotherapy
Schwulenberatung Berlin
2018-2021: Substance Counceling for GBTQIA+,
Psychological Counceling GBTQIA+
Klinikum Magdeburg, Psychiatry
2017-2018: Practical Year
Institut für Psychologische Psychotherapie und Beratung Berlin e.V.
2018-2022: Training to become a psychodynamic Psychotherapist
Humboldt-University Berlin
2015-2017: Psychology, Master of Science
Clark University, Worcester, USA
2014-2015: Student Exchange year
University Trier
2011-2014: Psychology, Bachelor of Science